Monday, August 20, 2007

Nothing to do with California...

This has nothing to do with California, but someone tagged me in this, so I thought I would do it.

Post the rules
List 8 random facts or habits about yourself.
If you are tagged, then you must Post the rules and list 8 random facts or habits about yourself
After you post, tag people and let them know they must read your blog for the rules.

Random facts....
1) I like my personal space. I really learned this in California. I don't like it when people stand really close to me, especially people I don't know really well. BUT, I love to make people feel awkward by standing in their personal space or by giving them long awkward hugs (just ask my roommate).

2) I'm not a very adventurous person. I like to play things safe. (Well, except in California because I had no choice but to be adventurous.) I used to get physically ill because I would get so nervous about doing new things, but I'm getting better at that.

3) My favorite places in the United States (I would say the world, but I haven't been very many places yet) are Disney World, Winter Park (Colorado), Yosemite National Park, and Clovis (California).

4) I have a panda bear named Jake that I sleep with every night (except when I was in California because he wouldn't fit in my suitcase). I've had him since 3rd grade (that's 14 years).

5) I hate dressing up, except for really really special occasions (semi-formal and formal dances, sometimes weddings, etc). This is why I have 1,000 t-shirts and 3 dresses in my closet.

6) If I won a million dollars, I probably wouldn't spend much of it on myself. I would probably pay off my college loans and maybe buy myself a new car and give the rest of it away.

7) I really love ice cream and I'm always in the mood for it. Thanks to Dave, Coldstone is my favorite.

8) I love to sing really loudly and obnoxiously in the car, especially to the Mandisa song as well as musical soundtracks. This tends to freak other people out a little.

Hope you enjoyed that...:)

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